emsculpt for post-pregnancy in Bay Area

How Emsculpt Can Help New Moms

Emsculpt uses electromagnetic energy. This electromagnetic energy contracts core muscles, which helps strengthen and tone the area. One 30-minute session is similar to doing 20,000 manual sit-ups. It’s an excellent treatment option for new moms dealing with stretched out or weakened abdominal muscles after birth.

According to the Be Fit Mom website, about 30% of women experience some diastasis recti six weeks after birth. This condition occurs when the abs separate during pregnancy. Diastasis recti is caused by the growing uterus pushing the abdominal muscles farther apart, causing the belly to grow large and round.

Emsculpt is a great option to help Diastasis Recti. By completing a series of treatments, you can help tighten your core and improve the abdomen’s appearance. It may even help reverse some changes brought on by pregnancy. The non-invasive HIFEM procedure produces powerful muscle contractions that are unachievable through voluntary contractions.

When your body experiences these strong contractions, the muscle tissue starts to adapt to the extreme conditions and responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure. After a few sessions, you’ll notice a built-up muscle and a more sculpted figure.

The procedure may make you sore, but not to a painful extent, and the soreness goes away within a day. This process is a lot faster than the soreness generated through regular workouts. After just one visit, you will feel and see the improvement, with full improvements typically reported up to four weeks after the last session.